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Save’s Director of Engineering highlights personal data security, system reliability

Photo of director of engineering Sachin Kulkarni, lead of securing users' personal data.

Save has created pioneering technology and has an expert team to manage your personal data and financial interests.

Among the team is Sachin Kulkarni, Save’s Director of Engineering. His passion for information technology led him into academia where information retrieval and large high-dimensional data was the subject of his Ph.D. Sachin holds a patent for his innovative research at HP Labs, which is Hewlett Packard’s advanced research group.

Before joining Save, Sachin led the development of the North American energy trading systems Macquarie Global Services.

In today’s blog, Sachin highlights a few of the key features his team focuses on, including how our customers’ personal data is used, how we ensure system reliability, what improvements we’re rolling out to our customers in the future, and how we consider our customers’ opinions every step of the way in our development process.

How is my personal data used?

Sachin: To ensure the security and safety of your personal data, your information is only used to open the account and verify your identity with our third-party partners. We take our customers’ data very seriously, and we do not allow sharing it with anyone unless required. We use the latest layer of security to transport the data between the browser and our servers, and we use one of the strongest encryption certificates ensuring highly secure connections. Our focus on our customers’ personal data security is reflected in our system architecture.  We implement the highest standard of security to protect our systems and are constantly enhancing them.

How do you ensure system reliability?

Sachin: The three main pillars of our system design are security, reliability, and scalability. We believe in continuously enhancing our systems in these three areas to better serve our customers and protect their personal data. Our system architecture is headed by a retired NASA scientist and a team of highly experienced developers, who have always focused their careers on creating systems that are fail-safe and available to serve all the time.

What do you do to improve the app? What can customers expect in the near future?

Sachin: Whenever we work on our app, we go through a continuous feedback and development cycle. We take feedback from different sources and convert them into action items for our development team to ensure that the system continues to evolve.

Also, we look for any new features that will enhance the usability and usefulness of our app. We have utilized the services of Pinwheel to enable users to schedule direct deposits, which enable us to deposit money from your employer directly into your Save account. We incorporated Fiserv’s technology into our system to confirm the identity of the bank account that our customer links, thus enhancing account security and reducing the risk of fraud. We plan to provide customers functionality to do card-to-card payments, the ability to save money using our savings account, and the ability to open joint accounts along with other enhancements to the app.

How does the customer play a role in Save’s development?

Sachin: Our customer plays a direct role in evolving our systems. Every customer call we receive is taken seriously not only by our customer support team but also by our engineering team. We transform the feedback that we receive from our customers into tasks that our developers can execute and deliver in a very defined timeframe. We have a continuous pipeline where each customer ticket is evaluated and fed into the pipeline for the developers to implement. This is the best way for us to improve our systems and the app.

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